World Maritime University


WMU is truly an organization by and for the international maritime community. Established by an IMO Assembly Resolution in July 1983, its basic aim is to further enhance the objectives and goals of IMO and IMO member states around the world.

Glasgow Marine Technology Centre

The Glasgow Marine Technology Centre (GMTC), based in the University of Glasgow, is a mature interdisciplinary research and development activity, working with industry and government on a broad range of offshore and marine problems.

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering(NAME)

NAME is a joint department of the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde. NAME is a highly active research department, with world-leading expertise in a number of research areas. Main research interests lie in ship stability and safety, marine hydrodynamics, marine structures, ocean engineering and marine engineering.

 Dong-A University


Jimei University.

Technical University of Varna;

Australian Maritime College
AMC provides high quality education, training and consulting to serve the maritime sector. Two campuses situated in Launceston, Tasmania provide the facilities to achieve excellence.
London Universities Maritime Law and Policy Group
For over 100 years, MMA has been preparing women and men for exciting and rewarding careers on land and sea.
United States
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
The United States Coast Guard is the oldest life-saving service in the world.
 California Maritime Academy
The California Maritime Academy (Cal Maritime) is a unique and specialized campus of The California State University that offers students bachelor’s degrees in business administration, facilities engineering technology, global studies and maritime affairs, marine engineering technology, marine transportation, and mechanical engineering.
United States
 Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scripps Institution of Oceanography today is world renowned for its preeminence in scientific disciplines relating to biology, physics, chemistry, climatology, geosciences, and geophysics.
Suny Maritime
SUNY Maritime is a four-year college located at historic Fort Schuyler in Throgs Neck, New York which offers a solid academic program coupled with a structured cadet life in the regiment for both men and women. Maritime College prepares students for careers through a content-centered curriculum and a hands-on, team building approach to learning. Maritime offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, 20 varsity athletic teams, summer training cruises to Europe, five ROTC options, and US Coast Guard license and intern programs.

Maritime College offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the following areas: Engineering (Marine, Mechanical, Electrical and Facilities), Naval Architecture, Marine Transportation/ Business Administration(minors in Ship Management and Maritime & Port Security), Maritime Studies, Marine Environmental Science (minors in Marine Biology and Meteorology & Oceanography), Humanities, International Transportation and Trade, and a Master's degree in International Transportation Management.
  United States
Centre for Ocean Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT offers an undergraduate degree in mechanical and ocean engineering, graduate degrees in ocean engineering and naval architecture and marine engineering, naval engineering, and oceanographic engineering.
  United States
Marine Institute
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHOI is dedicated to research and higher education at the frontiers of ocean science and oceanography.
 United States
Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Estuarium, Marine Environmental Sciences, Oceanography, Marine Ecology, Marine Science Summer Programs.
  United States
Constantza Maritime University
Constantza Maritime University has been part of the Romanian state higher education system even since its foundation in 1972.
Romania Maritime Training Center
CERONAV offers high quality training programmes for both maritime and river personnel in compliance with STCW Convention. Annually, about 6,000 seafarers are trained within CERONAV.
The Nautical Institute
An international professional body for qualified seafarers and others with an interest in nautical matters.
United Kingdom
The Maritime Institute provides bachelor degree education Maritime Officer and Hydrography. Besides it provides a number of maritime courses and participates in of research projects.
Australian Maritime Hydrodynamics Research Centre
The vision of the Centre is to provide an internationally competitive experimental and theoretical hydrodynamic research capability for Australia
Odesa National Maritime University,Ukrania















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Kıyı liman mühendisliği Bahar dönemi Yüksek Lisans İnşaat bölümü dersleri başlıyor

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 prof.dr.Mükerrem Fatma İLKIŞIK  


  Gemilerden kaynaklanan Kirlenmenin ÖnlenmesİUluslararası Sözleşmesi          



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Prof.Dr.Mükerrem F.İLKIŞIK


















Gemi Haberleri Web Sitesi: Denizcilik Sektörü Haberleri, Deniz Haber, Deniz Haberleri.

IMO haberleri ve kurallar. Marpol ve Solas Kuralları. Solas 2009 Türkçe

Marpol ve Solas hakkında en kapsamlı Türkçe içerik: Marpol Solas

Bu web sitesi Sayın Prof Dr. Mükerrem Fatma İLKIŞIK'ın tarafından güncellenmektedir.

MARPOL ve SOLAS Sözleşmelerinin Türkçeye çeviri izni Uluslararası Denizcilik Örgütü (IMO) tarafından Prof. Dr. Mükerrem Fatma İLKIŞIK'a verilmiştir.


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